DUNN Enterprises Of Central Florida Inc.
A Media Consultant & Production company; a multi service provider
To be a "Go-To" resource company, providing online media, audio production, and broadcast media services throughout Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and New York.
And for the CM Brand...
To have a brand as recognizable as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, FuBu, & Under Armour, within the world of entertainment, social media, business & sports.
Team Members At Work

Bruce E. Dunn
"We become successful when we help you succeed and achieve your goals"

Bryana Dunn
Web Marketing Freelancer
"TravelWellDunn through me...
A social media "Foodie" who travels, vlogs and blogs.

Chris Mcghie
IT Consultant
"Technology is constantly evolving; allow me the opportunity to provide you with clarity and understanding on how to overcome your IT challenges"

Austin Manahan
Health & Wellness Associate
"A healthy body creates a sharp and creative mind. I work with Music to create the Rhythm and Movement for the team"

Amelia Sim
Consultant International Marketing & Sales
"Branding, Marketing and doing business Internationally will keep us relevant...Singapore is Home for me; let us introduce you to MY world"

Eric Dunn
Social Media Manager
Over 3 million followers
"Let me help you increase your Social Media presence and have some fun while doing it...I'll introduce you to MY TURN UP CREW...FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch, YouTube, Skype and Linkedin"

Robin Ryant
Fashion & Cosmetic Consultant
"It is often stated that for some people there just isn't HOPE; BUT not in my presense...beauty is everywhere, so allow me to share that experience and create a new look for YOU" Robin Ryant's work

Lenny Dunn
Founder of CM
Deceased May 2023
"My career at Bloomingdales was the foundation for the creation of the CM/Cocomungo merchandise Brand in 2000"

Mike Branch
CM Concert Producer/Director & Silent Partner of CM
"Branding a product with music was always my passion. While working for NBC for 30 years in Ohio, I mastered the art and skills necessary for developing concerts to showcase the Brand...I'm with the Creative Minds of CM"

Jose Arroyo
CM Designer/Silent Partner
"I love designing and I coined the phrases, The C can't move without the M. The merchandise flows, therefore the music creates CocoMungo - The Sweet World of Rhythm and Movement that is CM"

K & P - Kayla & Peyton
CM Design, Photography & Marketing Associates
Generation Z - This Young couple provides fresh new, and innovative ideas for the CM Brand. They are the Creative Minds. The Next CM Generation (Born after 1996)